When our skilled designers and goldsmiths create Maanesten jewellery and accessories, it is a very demanding process where they spend many hours drawing, sewing, painting, forging and more. And only the best designs make it through our critical eye of the needle. They become the jewellery and accessories that can be purchased in our stores, webshop etc.
Unfortunately, we find that some jewellery brands in Denmark and abroad copy our jewellery, jewellery parts and accessories and do not respect how many hours and how much work we have put into creating our collections. That's why all our jewellery, jewellery parts and accessories are also EU patented, which means that we have full ownership of our designs and that if a jewellery brand or manufacturer copies us, we have a very strong case against them in the event of a subpoena or lawsuit. We work with some of the best IP (Intellectual Property) lawyers and every day they keep a close eye on whether anyone is infringing on our design rights. So if you copy us, we will come after you... without hesitation.